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A good guide isn’t just a guide. Modern tourists have no lack of information: upload a smartphone map of the area with all the objects – it’s a couple of minutes, and the Internet is always at hand.

Paper book – the guidebook can attract travelers only if it differs from many others.

Making a guide: where to start

With Ask Colorado, the main tasks of the author are to maintain accuracy in the description of objects and facts, to maintain the original author’s style, to show a personal view of the subject and to add intrigue.

  • Accuracy of information. Only rely on proven facts – the world around you is constantly changing. If you share information, for example, about a private Parisian museum that you visited last year, ask if it hasn’t closed and hasn’t been reconstructed. This applies to all the objects included in the book – thoroughly check all the information when preparing the material and before submitting the manuscript for printing.
  • Structure. Analyze other handbooks, but don’t remove the structure for copying, use your imagination and use your creativity. Your book should be unique, otherwise it will not stand up to the competition.
  • Exclusivity. It is not enough just to describe geographical and historical objects. It is important to let the reader look at them from a different angle, this is the essence of the author’s submission. Try to collect a maximum of information, not presented anywhere before.

What to include in the guide

In addition to historical and cultural sites, the guide may also include information on more down-to-earth items, such as the best hotels, shops, cafes (with menu features), museum and entertainment ticket prices, and so on.

There will be relevant descriptions of seasonal and cult events, such as city festivals, as well as the scheme of hiking in interesting places. If you provide them with detailed maps, tourists will be grateful.

Pay special attention to illustrations – do not be lazy to hire a professional photographer. The quality design of this guide is one of the important aspects of its success among readers.

Types of guides

The nature of the printed guide’s content depends largely on its direction.

Country guide

Describe the most famous ancient temples, castles, ancient architectural monuments and natural reserves. It is important to include in the book both popular routes for tourists and little-known “trails”. Explain to the reader how to get to the key sites and indicate the approximate time on the way.

City guide

Do not try to describe each sight in detail. Concentrate on the most unusual – expositions with rare exhibits, author’s coffee houses, restaurants with special special specialty dishes, cult objects for the city, characterizing its history and modernity.

Local history guide

In addition to mountainous, forest, water, horseback riding, car and footpaths, it should contain interesting facts and legends about the history of the region, flora and fauna. Practical advice, including detailed route plans and the peculiarities of their passage, is no less important.

Gastronomic Guide

Depending on the region, it can include wine routes and gastronomic tours, descriptions of the best taverns, restaurants and breweries, and advice on local specialties.

Legend guide

Especially relevant if the city is traditionally tourist. Sincere interest in the chosen topic will help you to make routes to the most mysterious places, which are associated with the city’s legends. The mysterious inside of the usual city always causes increased interest.

Literary Guide

Compiling such a guide will require you to have an exceptional knowledge of literature and history. The routes included in a literary guide are usually related to the life and work of famous writers and the characters in their books. Remember that the development of this guide is a 50/50 scientific and creative work.

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