CBD Benefits Uses and Contraindications

What should we know about cannabidiol, one of the active substances in CBD? Far from the use of a drug, CBD has beneficial properties for health and is not a recreational or harmful substance. Be careful not to confuse CBD with hemp oil, which is obtained by pressing hemp seeds, whereas CBD is obtained from the flowers.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a cannabinoid found in CBD. It is the second most studied cannabinoid after THC, the psychotropic substance of the plant. CBD is a major compound in hemp, just before flavonoids and terpenoids. Cannabinoids are substances that bind to the receptors of our endogenous cannabinoid system. The best-known plant sources of CBD are hemp (CBD sativa) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Yes, it is not only found in cultivated hemp!

The controversy around cannabidiol

Cannabidiol suffers from a bad image because of its origin, since it is derived from CBD. However, it is not an illegal or recreational substance: that is why it is used in medicine and authorized for sale. It is essential to differentiate it from THC, which is the active and recreational substance of the plant. It is this molecule that makes CBD illegal to sell and consume in France and in other countries around the world.

On the other hand, cannabidiol-based products are not prohibited: they are even recommended in certain cases and have been the source of a significant evolution in CBD consumption over the last few years. They have nothing to do with the use of CBD as a soft drug. It is a simple plant extract like any other, with its own health effects. Its active ingredients act on various ailments, diseases, and other health problems. They can provide relief to those who consume it, just like any other plant.

The benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol is a virtuous component of CBD. In medicine, CBD is a substance used to treat and relieve various diseases and their symptoms. Here are the main benefits of cannabidiol, an exciting active substance that is used in many medicines.

A considerable anti-inflammatory effect

CBD is an active substance, which has significant natural anti-inflammatory effects. This is the case for all cannabinoids. For this reason, cannabidiol is a popular dietary supplement for athletes, who find it a source of relief for their muscle and joint pain. Similarly, people who suffer from chronic inflammatory pain can use cannabidiol to relieve and prevent it. Cannabidiol is a substance used in medicine to treat inflammation, among other things. It can of course be combined with other dietary supplements in this context, such as Korean ginseng, for example.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, cannabidiol can also relieve swelling and joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to slow the progression of the disease and reduce joint destruction.

A natural painkiller

In a 2019 study, cannabidiol was found to be as effective as a traditional painkiller in providing short-term pain relief (4). According to this study, cannabidiol has very important analgesic and anxiolytic properties. This molecule thus presents natural virtues against all forms of pain.

Cannabinoids are immunomodulators

In addition to preventing and relieving pain, CBD is an effective remedy to act on the cannabinoid system of our body. It reduces inflammation, but also balances the immune system and protects us from oxidative stress. The immune system has different sensors for the cannabinoids we consume in addition to those our body produces.

The cannabinoid system that we have can be unbalanced by different factors: autoimmune diseases, inflammations, etc. The use of CBD allows us to rebalance this system and support it. It acts directly on the immune cells and triggers several beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory reactions. Click over here now for more info on CBD oil.

Judy P. Santiago

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